Say goodbye to back pain.
Discover how you can alleviate back pain with BackHug. Available at clinics and shared-locations nation-wide.
Featured In & Trusted By:
BackHug’s difference comes through the use of 26 robotic fingers, which have being precision engineered to mimic physiotherapy techniques. They scan your back to align to your unique back shape so that they can treat your stiff joints effectively.
Drawing from over 10 years of physical therapy expertise, our in-app consultation allows BackHug to understand your pain firsthand, providing specific recommendations and personalized treatment tailored to your needs for optimal relief. Soon, BackHug will be able to learn from your usage and will recommend adjustments to your program to optimize treatment.
BackHug measures your back tension at the start and end of each session, providing actionable insights into your back health. You will receive a detailed report showcasing the change in tension across your back, showing BackHug's impact and giving you valuable data to optimize back care.
Invented By Physio, Chongsu Lee.
Driven by a vision for better back care after 10+ years working as a physio, Chongsu Lee created BackHug, an innovative robot that replicates the advanced physical therapy techniques used by professionals.
Orlando Aguilon
Experiences Chronic Pain
How To Get Better Back Care
Download the app to find your nearest clinic.
You'll need the BackHug app in order to book your sessions.
Book your BackHug session.
Once you've chosen your BackHug location, choose the duration, time and date and then all that's left to do is…
Experience the difference BackHug can make.
Enhance mobility, range of motion, flexibility and reduce back pain by 51% on average.
Additional questions you may have about BackHug.
Still have questions? We can help you with that.