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BackHug Combines Science and Technology To Reduce Back Pain By 51% On Average

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The Science Is Clear:

Stiff Joints In Your Back

Are Causing Your Back Pain

…and Much More

The pain you feel throughout your body, from back pain to headaches to tennis elbow and even to Achilles tendonitis, is caused by pressure on the nerves that originate in your back.

Source: Kendal et al., Muscles: testing and function with posture and pain. 5th edition. 2005

Pressure on your nerves is caused by stiff joints resulting from daily wear and tear: Poor posture, heavy lifting, and prolonged sitting are the main culprits. The resulting pain then spreads through the nervous system to other parts of your body.

So, to relieve pressure on your nerves, you need to treat the stiff joints in your back

Source: Adstrum et al. "Defining the fascial system"  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. Vol 21 (1). 2017. pp 173-177.

The Science Is Clear:

Stiff Joints In Your Back Are Causing Your Back Pain

…and Much More

The pain you feel throughout your body, from back pain to headaches to tennis elbow and even to Achilles tendonitis, is caused by pressure on the nerves that originate in your back.

Source: Kendal et al., Muscles: testing and function with posture and pain. 5th edition. 2005

Pressure on your nerves is caused by stiff joints resulting from daily wear and tear: Poor posture, heavy lifting, and prolonged sitting are the main culprits. The resulting pain then spreads through the nervous system to other parts of your body.

So, to relieve pressure on your nerves, you need to treat the stiff joints in your back

Source: Adstrum et al. "Defining the fascial system"  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. Vol 21 (1). 2017. pp 173-177.


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"After six weeks, I complete a follow-up consultation and realise that the headaches and pins and needles in my fingers that I reported at the start of the trial have largely disappeared. The tightness between my shoulders also feels less severe."

Linda Geddes,
Science Editor


What Makes BackHug Different?

Patent-Protected Technology

BackHug’s difference comes through the use of 26 robotic fingers, which have being precision engineered to mimic physiotherapy techniques. They scan your back to align to your unique back shape so that they can treat your stiff joints effectively. 

Intelligently Personalised Treatment

BackHug's robotic fingers will scan and adapt to your unique back shape, and our in-app physio-bot will create a customized treatment plan for you based on where you feel pain so you can be sure you’re always getting the best treatment to help your aches and pains.

Get Access To Valuable Health Data

After your session you will be given a back tension report to show the change in tension in your back before and after your treatment, so you can see BackHug’s impact and gain valuable insights into your back health.

What Makes BackHug Different?

Patent-Protected Technology

BackHug’s difference comes through the use of 26 robotic fingers, which have being precision engineered to mimic physiotherapy techniques. They scan your back to align to your unique back shape so that they can treat your stiff joints effectively. 

Intelligently Personalised Treatment

BackHug's robotic fingers will scan and adapt to your unique back shape, and our in-app physio-bot will create a customized treatment plan for you based on where you feel pain so you can be sure you’re always getting the best treatment to help your aches and pains.

Get Access To Valuable Health Data

After your session you will be given a back tension report to show the change in tension in your back before and after your treatment, so you can see BackHug’s impact and gain valuable insights into your back health.

Fine Tune Your Experience With

2,000+ Treatment Options

Adjust treatment strength across the 4 key areas of your back

Set the speed of the robotic fingers to ensure comfort

Have control over target zones, side preference, heat and more


I was very impressed in the fist session…If you have a neck, upper and mid back problems, it can really get to it!”

Lara Lewington
Presenter of BBC Click

How BackHug Compares

  Comparison Table Pics-01


Comparison Table Pics-02

Massage Gun

Comparison Table Pics-03

Massage Chair

Comparison Table Pics-04

Manual Therapy

Loosens Stiff Joints
Lasting Relief
Never Gets Tired
App Controlled
Back Scanning
Fully Customisable
Tension Tracking

How BackHug Compares

Comparison Table Pics-01


Comparison Table Pics-02

Massage Gun

Comparison Table Pics-03

Massage Chair

Comparison Table Pics-04

Manual Therapy

Loosens Stiff Joints
Lasting Relief
Never Gets Tired
App Controlled
Back Scanning
Fully Customisable
Tension Tracking


"Anyone who’s used a massage chair will be familiar with this idea, but this is more intense, more targeted and more personalised, with the unit learning about the progress of your condition over time."

Rhodri Marsden
Tech Columnist, Financial Times

Our Users Say It Best

"I felt better on the first day..."

Orlando Aguilion

5 stars
From 0 to 10, the pain level is now around 2 or 3, but before that, when I didn’t use the BackHug, the pain level is around 8 and 9. I can move around because the pain it’s just only moderate now compared before.

Orlando Aguilon
Verified BackHug User

Alison Peebles

5 stars
I’ve noticed a real big difference since I’ve been able to do it every day, or every other day, as opposed to every week or every other week. I feel that my sleeping is better, my strength, my energy is better.

Alison Peebles
Verified BackHug User

Andrew Johnson

5 stars
The first time you use it, it’s great. The second time you use it, it’s great, and then you start to notice the benefits. It’s the funny things, after 10 days you, think…Oh, I'm putting on my shoes a bit easier, or I'm bending to pick things up a bit easier.

Andrew Johnson
Verified BackHug User

Louise Marshall

5 stars
I thought “I’m just going to relax on BackHug” and I actually fell asleep on it. I was there and I fell asleep, for 3 hours, and I think that was my body saying “you need to relax” and obviously I was completely relaxed

Louise Marshall
Verified BackHug User


"I could sleep through the whole night and, as a result, my mood improved. Even my landlord said there was a ‘glow’ about me."

Bryony Firth-Bernard
Staff Writer for T3

BackHug Is Leading The Way For Better Back Care



Mask Group 9

Massage Gun

Mask Group 10

Massage Chair

Mask Group 11

Manual Therapy

Loosens Stiff Joints
Lasting Relief From Aches and Pains
Never Gets Tired
App Controlled Personalisation
Adapts To Your Back Shape
Treatment Designed Specifically For You
Back Tension Tracking
Check Circle